The American Steel Car Club
started out as a gathering of friends every Thursday evening at an A&W restaurant. A group of men gathered week after week to discuss their relentless love and passion for classic cars. Each of these men not only collected classic cars, but put blood, sweat, and tears into preserving the legacy of each one. During their weekly meetings, the group would discuss their past and future works for each of their cars. After much discussion and excitement, it was Jonathan Muggette who finally put his foot through the door and suggested the idea of starting a car club in the group's local town of Lodi, California.
March 4th 1996 marked the first official meeting for the ASCC. The men did not wait another second to get the ball rolling for this club! That evening the members were assigned positions in the club, as well as the annual dues cost and the official club name: American Steel Car Club. It was also decided at that meeting the guidelines for who was permitted into the club. The ASCC's first car show was held at the A&W restaurant in Lodi, California in October 1996 in memory of Rudy Chavez. The show was a great success and a good time was had by all.